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Amun Re 5 Player League - Rules

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Joined: 05 Feb 07
Posts: 1924

Location: Canterbury, UK

PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 4:53 am    Post subject: Amun Re 5 Player League - Rules Reply with quote

The Amun Re 5 Player League

Here are the initial rules - please feel free to comment on them - I may make amendments if I can be convinced.

Divisions will consist of 8 players (except the lowest divisions which will have 9 players to cater for the total number of players).

Each player will play 5 games in a season. The order will be decided in the same way as for the tournaments generally:

Number of wins
Number of second places
Number of third places
Number of fourth places
Lowest number of points lost by
Head to head games of players tied
Drawing lots

Ties within games (after pyramids, stones) will be awarded half points.

In the subsequent seasons players will be allocated to new divisions as follows:

Division 1 - Three players will be relegated
Division 2 - Two players will be promoted and three relegated*
Division 3 - Three players will be promoted* and three relegated* (*one by two divisions)
Division 4 etc- As division 3
Clearly there will not be relegation below the bottom division!
If players drop out from season to season the number of relegations/promotions will be adjusted accordingly.

Any new players wishing to join after the first season will join in the lowest division after the positions of all the previous season players have been allocated. They will be randomly allocated to divisions if more than one is needed.

Unfinished Games

I would expect all games to be completed within 3 months* of the start date. If they are not, I, as tournament organiser will have to decide how to deal with them. This may be by removing all games of the offending parties from the score in that division, ‘arbitrarily’ allocating a score to the outstanding games or otherwise as I see fit. It may be necessary to suspend offenders from the league.

*It may be that 3 months is not the right amount of time to choose – clearly if many games are outstanding then I will have to revise the target. It could also be revised for other seasons if Christmas or summer vacations are likely to have an effect.

Unstarted Games

If players have not joined any of their games after a week (and after a pm from me) I will nominate a player not in that division to take part in the relevant games (but who will be ignored for ranking purposes – I’ll call for volunteers if necessary!).

If any player has not joined all his/her games within a week they should consider themselves awarded a yellow card. If one or more of your games have not been created when you join other games you should create the missing ones.

Signing up for the following season

I would expect to open this up a couple of weeks before the end of the season. Everyone who played in the tournament should have a good idea of how long they take and will know whether holidays etc will cause them a problem. Players who have auto-enrolled will not need to sign up again.


I will issue current tables throughout the season – but do check your own position – I do get the odd one wrong.
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