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Vallo 64004

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Joined: 10 Feb 09
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 5:52 am    Post subject: Vallo 64004 Reply with quote


I think, I found a bug in Wallenstein, game_id: 64004 (www.spielbyweb.com/game.php?games_id=64004)

Here is the description of my battle:
"Raud moved 3 armies from Erzbm. Köln into Osnabrück, occupied by VonSudenfed's 1 armies aided by peasants
-- 3 of raud's attacking armies plus 0 from the cup and 1 of VonSudenfed's defending armies plus 0 from the cup go into the tower
-- 2 of raud's attacking armies and 2 of VonSudenfed's defending armies, aided by 0 peasants, come out of the tower
-- The province is devastated: VonSudenfed loses control of the province, and 2 armies return to the supply along with 2 of raud's armies
-- 2 of Hubrus's armies and 1 of UsanaChris's armies remain in the cup"

After the battle, I have 0 man in the cup. But why didn't stay in the cup my last remaining army?? And why Hubrus has 2 army in the cup, when he had 0 army before my battle.
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Joined: 05 Feb 07
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Location: Canterbury, UK

PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 6:58 am    Post subject: Re: Vallo 64004 Reply with quote

raud wrote:

I think, I found a bug in Wallenstein, game_id: 64004 (www.spielbyweb.com/game.php?games_id=64004)

Here is the description of my battle:
"Raud moved 3 armies from Erzbm. Köln into Osnabrück, occupied by VonSudenfed's 1 armies aided by peasants
-- 3 of raud's attacking armies plus 0 from the cup and 1 of VonSudenfed's defending armies plus 0 from the cup go into the tower
-- 2 of raud's attacking armies and 2 of VonSudenfed's defending armies, aided by 0 peasants, come out of the tower
-- The province is devastated: VonSudenfed loses control of the province, and 2 armies return to the supply along with 2 of raud's armies
-- 2 of Hubrus's armies and 1 of UsanaChris's armies remain in the cup"

After the battle, I have 0 man in the cup. But why didn't stay in the cup my last remaining army?? And why Hubrus has 2 army in the cup, when he had 0 army before my battle.

If you think of how the dice tower works it makes sense.

All the armies in the cup go into the tower together with the attackers and defenders. The armies that come out are those of the attackers, defenders, peasants and other players.

You, the attacker had two which came out, the defender had two and these (2 and 2) were used to determine the battle - devastate the province in this case. The others that came out 2 for Hubris, 1 for UsanaChris remain in the cup for the next battle.

Your other army didn't come out of the tower (it is in there somewhere and may come out in a later battle).

Hope that helps!
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Joined: 10 Feb 09
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 12:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


Gaditus wrote:
"If you think of how the dice tower works it makes sense.

All the armies in the cup go into the tower together with the attackers and defenders. The armies that come out are those of the attackers, defenders, peasants and other players.

You, the attacker had two which came out, the defender had two and these (2 and 2) were used to determine the battle - devastate the province in this case. The others that came out 2 for Hubris, 1 for UsanaChris remain in the cup for the next battle."

I think I have a clue, how the Cup works. My only problem is with the "Armies In the Cup" column in the review table, because it had has some false information. Like I said: Hubrus' "Armies In the Cup" column had shown 0 before my battle begun, and showed 2, when my battle ended. How is it possible? How makes the Cup 2 armies from 0 for a neutral player? And why my "Armies In the Cup" showed 0 armies after my battle? It must have shown 1!


Otherwise, in present day, the review table showed correct values (both for Hubrus and me). Hurray! Did somebody fix the game? I suppose it. Otherwise Hubrus had to have 2 armies in the Cup instead of 0. (check: /game.php?games_id=64004)
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Joined: 05 Feb 07
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Location: Canterbury, UK

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 5:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The reason it looks like it has corrected itself is because another battle has taken place.

Following this new battle, one of your (now neutral) armies came out of the tower. As it was not involved in the battle (which involved UsanaChris and peasants only) it remains in the cup. Hubrus's 2 armies went into the cup at the start of the battle, and this time 3 came out, so they are now in the cup as well.

In the tower there are a number of armies for everyone and some peasants, all of which may appear at a later stage. However, I believe there is more chance of new armies (from the cup/battle) coming out of the tower than armies that are in there.
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