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Amun Re League - Season One - Standings
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Joined: 05 Feb 07
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 6:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


Division 1 10/10
5 4 1 0 Deden (-10)

5 3 1.5 0.5 Kanga (-13)
5 1 1 3 daveszum (-30)
5 1 1 3 HighwayStar (-38)
5 1 1 3 Sacarino (-44)
5 0 4.5 0.5 docaction (-17)

Division 2 10/10
5 3 0 2 domster (-12)
5 2 3 0 Knave (-14)

5 2 1 2 swok (-12)
5 1 3 1 DariusvanDuyn (-19)
5 1 2 2 NoMoreCheese (-32)
5 1 1 3 mongo (-34)

Division 3 10/10
5 4 1 0 Gaditus (-2)
5 3 1 1 flaviorj (-7)

5 1 3 1 IBX (-25)
5 1 3 1 Fritz (-49)
5 1 2 2 ahauwi1 (-23)
5 0 0 5 yahkeh (-62)

Division 4 6/10
4 3 1 0 t_o_m9 (-3)
3 2 0 1 Pompkin (-8)

3 1 2 0 rseulow (-2)
1 0 0 1 dawnuk (-10)
3 0 1 2 Tzar-T (-20)
4 0 2 2 kekeweb (-30)

Division 5 6/10
3 3 0 0 Abaddon (0)
3 3 0 0 grizzlyman (0)

2 0 2 0 danbar1963 (-8)
2 0 1 1 kxw (-7)
4 0 2 2 JM (-41)
4 0 1 3 Payton3434 (-49)

Division 6 10/10
5 3 2 0 powermorph (-11)
5 2 2 1 Dobinator (-23)

5 2 1 2 worcesterarlo (-11)
5 1 2 2 freduk (-18)
5 1 2 2 tphon (-54)
5 1 1 3 Sgath (-55)

Division 7 8/10
5 5 0 0 pkwolf54 (0)
3 1 2 0 lindalait (-16)

4 1 0 3 Wolfpack (-46)
5 1 2 2 AdriaanPieters (-36)
3 0 1 2 ats2630 (-40)
4 0 3 1 shampoon (-34)

Division 8 12/14
4 3 1 0 Rebelslayer (-9)
5 3 2 0 Coach (-6)

6 3 1 2 toutoune (-14)
5 2 3 0 Ace (-26)
6 1 2 3 striking_cobra (-66)
4 0 1 3 amoxycillin (-93)
6 0 2 4 mooka (-60)

Division 9 12/14
6 5 1 0 WillyC3 (-4)
5 3 0 2 bennykdogg (-12)

4 2 1 1 fadiarnaout (-16)
4 1 2 1 StanislavTikal (-18)
6 1 3 2 Carmilla (-55)
5 0 1 4 BryJones (-63)
6 0 4 2 bearsfan (-46)

Division 10 14/14
6 3.5 2.5 0 leck (-6)
6 3 1 2 Aboulfouf (-24)
6 2 2 2 thiery'en'sarjant (-25)

6 2 2 2 kwojtasz (-34)
6 1.5 1.5 3 jglazier (-44)
6 1 3 2 smlait (-74)
6 1 2 3 wildfire2099 (-36)

I probably ought to mention that because of the introduction of new players or drop out of existing players it is likely that the promotions/relegations will not be exactly as indicated by the colours in the tables, particularly in the lower divisions.
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Joined: 05 Feb 07
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 12:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Another couple of divisions complete

Division 7 10/10
5 5 0 0 pkwolf54 (0)
5 3 2 0 lindalait (-16)

5 1 2 2 AdriaanPieters (-36)
5 1 0 4 Wolfpack (-51)
5 0 4 1 shampoon (-50)
5 0 2 3 ats2630 (-64)

Division 8 14/14
6 5 1 0 Rebelslayer (-9)
6 3 3 0 Coach (-7)

6 3 1 2 toutoune (-14)
6 2 4 0 Ace (-32)
6 1 2 3 striking_cobra (-66)
6 0 2 4 mooka (-60)
6 0 1 5 amoxycillin (-142)
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Joined: 17 Jan 06
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 3:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Can I suggest that the 2 lowest players in each division drop to below those players you have in black in the division below ... that almost ensures that they will drop ... if you need extra replacements in the upper division you would them pull those in black up first.

My reasoning is that if you got hammered this season, it would be nice to make sure you drop to either closer your true spot or at least get easier games next season, not return for another pasting!
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Joined: 05 Feb 07
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 6:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The current state of play is:


Division 1 10/10
5 4 1 0 Deden (-10)

5 3 1.5 0.5 Kanga (-13)
5 1 1 3 daveszum (-30)
5 1 1 3 HighwayStar (-38)
5 1 1 3 Sacarino (-44)
5 0 4.5 0.5 docaction (-17)

Division 2 10/10
5 3 0 2 domster (-12)
5 2 3 0 Knave (-14)

5 2 1 2 swok (-12)
5 1 3 1 DariusvanDuyn (-19)
5 1 2 2 NoMoreCheese (-32)
5 1 1 3 mongo (-34)

Division 3 10/10
5 4 1 0 Gaditus (-2)
5 3 1 1 flaviorj (-7)

5 1 3 1 IBX (-25)
5 1 3 1 Fritz (-49)
5 1 2 2 ahauwi1 (-23)
5 0 0 5 yahkeh (-62)

Division 4 6/10
4 3 1 0 t_o_m9 (-3)
3 2 0 1 Pompkin (-8)

3 1 2 0 rseulow (-2)
1 0 0 1 dawnuk (-10)
3 0 1 2 Tzar-T (-20)
4 0 2 2 kekeweb (-30)

Division 5 7/10
4 4 0 0 grizzlyman (0)
4 3 0 1 Abaddon (-7)

2 0 2 0 danbar1963 (-8)
3 0 2 1 kxw (-8)
4 0 2 2 JM (-41)
4 0 1 3 Payton3434 (-49)

Division 6 10/10
5 3 2 0 powermorph (-11)
5 2 2 1 Dobinator (-23)

5 2 1 2 worcesterarlo (-11)
5 1 2 2 freduk (-18)
5 1 2 2 tphon (-54)
5 1 1 3 Sgath (-55)

Division 7 10/10
5 5 0 0 pkwolf54 (0)
5 3 2 0 lindalait (-16)

5 1 2 2 AdriaanPieters (-36)
5 1 0 4 Wolfpack (-51)
5 0 4 1 shampoon (-50)
5 0 2 3 ats2630 (-64)

Division 8 14/14
6 5 1 0 Rebelslayer (-9)
6 3 3 0 Coach (-7)

6 3 1 2 toutoune (-14)
6 2 4 0 Ace (-32)
6 1 2 3 striking_cobra (-66)
6 0 2 4 mooka (-60)
6 0 1 5 amoxycillin (-142)

Division 9 12/14
6 5 1 0 WillyC3 (-4)
5 3 0 2 bennykdogg (-12)

4 2 1 1 fadiarnaout (-16)
4 1 2 1 StanislavTikal (-18)
6 1 3 2 Carmilla (-55)
5 0 1 4 BryJones (-63)
6 0 4 2 bearsfan (-46)

Division 10 14/14
6 3.5 2.5 0 leck (-6)
6 3 1 2 Aboulfouf (-24)
6 2 2 2 thiery'en'sarjant (-25)

6 2 2 2 kwojtasz (-34)
6 1.5 1.5 3 jglazier (-44)
6 1 3 2 smlait (-74)
6 1 2 3 wildfire2099 (-36)

Based on these positions the divisions for season two would be:

1 daveszum 1
1 Deden 1
1 HighwayStar 1
1 Kanga 1
1 domster 2
1 Knave 2
2 docaction 1
2 Sacarino 1
2 DariusvanDuyn 2
2 swok 2
2 flaviorj 3
2 Gaditus 3
3 mongo 2
3 NoMoreCheese 2
3 IBX 3
3 Pompkin 4
3 t_o_m9 4
3 grizzlyman 5
4 ahauwi1 3
4 yahkeh 3
4 dawnuk 4
4 rseulow 4
4 Abaddon 5
4 powermorph 6
5 kekeweb 4
5 Tzar-T 4
5 danbar1963 5
5 kxw 5
5 Dobinator 6
5 pkwolf54 7
6 JM 5
6 Payton3434 5
6 freduk 6
6 worcesterarlo 6
6 lindalait 7
6 Rebelslayer 8
7 Sgath 6
7 tphon 6
7 AdriaanPieters 7
7 Wolfpack 7
7 Coach 8
7 WillyC3 9
8 ats2630 7
8 Ace 8
8 striking_cobra 8
8 toutoune 8
8 bennykdogg 9
8 leck 10
9 mooka 8
9 Carmilla 9
9 fadiarnaout 9
9 StanislavTikal 9
9 Aboulfouf 10
9 thiery'en'sarjant 10
10 amoxycillin 8
10 bearsfan 9
10 BryJones 9
10 jglazier 10
10 smlait 10
10 wildfire2099 10
11 aehhorses x
11 andyd x
11 Laurion x
11 Maccheek x
11 Vinny x
11 yendi x
11 yoseph x

The number after the name is season one division.

The effect of Fritz dropping out from division 4 is to move everyone below up one place and based on the way I had set up the promotion/relegation table has been to save most players from a double relegation. The other drop outs and the reduction in numbers in divisions 8,9 and 10 have had slightly different effects but as it stands only amoxycillin will go down two divisions.

Hence (I think) everyone who was due a promotion or relegation is duly promoted (1 or 2 divisions as appropriate) or relegated (but only by one division - except amoxycillin). Perhaps fortuitiously it seems to have worked out OK.

There are still a handful of outstanding games in divisions 4, 5 and 7 which could have an effect on the tables and season two positions.
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Joined: 05 Feb 07
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 4:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Division 1 10/10
5 4 1 0 Deden (-10)

5 3 1.5 0.5 Kanga (-13)
5 1 1 3 daveszum (-30)
5 1 1 3 HighwayStar (-38)
5 1 1 3 Sacarino (-44)
5 0 4.5 0.5 docaction (-17)

Division 2 10/10
5 3 0 2 domster (-12)
5 2 3 0 Knave (-14)

5 2 1 2 swok (-12)
5 1 3 1 DariusvanDuyn (-19)
5 1 2 2 NoMoreCheese (-32)
5 1 1 3 mongo (-34)

Division 3 10/10
5 4 1 0 Gaditus (-2)
5 3 1 1 flaviorj (-7)

5 1 3 1 IBX (-25)
5 1 3 1 Fritz (-49)
5 1 2 2 ahauwi1 (-23)
5 0 0 5 yahkeh (-62)

Division 4 8/10
4 3 1 0 t_o_m9 (-3)
4 2 1 1 Pompkin (-9)

3 1 1 1 dawnuk (-10)
5 1 2 2 rseulow (-7)
5 1 2 2 kekeweb (-30)
3 0 1 2 Tzar-T (-20)

Division 5 9/10
4 4 0 0 grizzlyman (0)
4 3 0 1 Abaddon (-7)

5 1 2 2 JM (-41)
5 1 1 3 Payton3434 (-49)
4 0 3 1 danbar1963 (-29)
5 0 3 2 kxw (-20)

Division 6 10/10
5 3 2 0 powermorph (-11)
5 2 2 1 Dobinator (-23)

5 2 1 2 worcesterarlo (-11)
5 1 2 2 freduk (-18)
5 1 2 2 tphon (-54)
5 1 1 3 Sgath (-55)

Division 7 10/10
5 5 0 0 pkwolf54 (0)
5 3 2 0 lindalait (-16)

5 1 2 2 AdriaanPieters (-36)
5 1 0 4 Wolfpack (-51)
5 0 4 1 shampoon (-50)
5 0 2 3 ats2630 (-64)

Division 8 14/14
6 5 1 0 Rebelslayer (-9)
6 3 3 0 Coach (-7)

6 3 1 2 toutoune (-14)
6 2 4 0 Ace (-32)
6 1 2 3 striking_cobra (-66)
6 0 2 4 mooka (-60)
6 0 1 5 amoxycillin (-142)

Division 9 12/14
6 5 1 0 WillyC3 (-4)
5 3 0 2 bennykdogg (-12)

4 2 1 1 fadiarnaout (-16)
4 1 2 1 StanislavTikal (-18)
6 1 3 2 Carmilla (-55)
5 0 1 4 BryJones (-63)
6 0 4 2 bearsfan (-46)

Division 10 14/14
6 3.5 2.5 0 leck (-6)
6 3 1 2 Aboulfouf (-24)
6 2 2 2 thiery'en'sarjant (-25)

6 2 2 2 kwojtasz (-34)
6 1.5 1.5 3 jglazier (-44)
6 1 3 2 smlait (-74)
6 1 2 3 wildfire2099 (-36)

based on these positions the season two divisions will be:

1 Deden 1
1 Kanga 1
1 daveszum 1
1 domster 2
1 HighwayStar 1
1 Knave 2
2 Sacarino 1
2 swok 2
2 docaction 1
2 Gaditus 3
2 DariusvanDuyn 2
2 flaviorj 3
3 NoMoreCheese 2
3 IBX 3
3 mongo 2
3 t_o_m9 4
3 Pompkin 4
3 grizzlyman 5
4 dawnuk 4
4 ahauwi1 3
4 rseulow 4
4 Abaddon 5
4 powermorph 6
4 yahkeh 3
5 kekeweb 4
5 JM 5
5 Payton3434 5
5 Dobinator 6
5 pkwolf54 7
5 Tzar-T 4
6 danbar1963 5
6 worcesterarlo 6
6 freduk 6
6 lindalait 7
6 Rebelslayer 8
6 kxw 5
7 tphon 6
7 AdriaanPieters 7
7 Wolfpack 7
7 Coach 8
7 WillyC3 9
7 Sgath 6
8 toutoune 8
8 Ace 8
8 bennykdogg 9
8 leck 10
8 striking_cobra 8
8 ats2630 7
9 mooka 8
9 fadiarnaout 9
9 StanislavTikal 9
9 Aboulfouf 10
9 thiery'en'sarjant 10
9 Carmilla 9
10 amoxycillin 8
10 BryJones 9
10 bearsfan 9
10 jglazier 10
10 smlait 10
10 wildfire2099 10
11 TMJJS x
11 YENDI x
12 VINNY x
12 ANDYD x

Those in upper case will be randomly allocated a place in the lowest divisions when the draw is made.

Season two will start in about a week's time, when the final handful of games should be complete. There is still time to sign up for season two.
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Joined: 05 Feb 07
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 4:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Division 9 is complete

6 5 1 0 WillyC3 (-4)
6 4 0 2 bennykdogg (-12)

6 3 2 1 fadiarnaout (-20)
6 1 3 2 Carmilla (-55)
6 1 2 3 StanislavTikal (-37)
6 0 4 2 bearsfan (-46)
6 0 2 4 BryJones (-65)
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Joined: 13 Jan 06
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 12:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It was a honour to win this, the first season, of the league Smile I am looking forward to the next ones.

Thanks to Gaditus, it must be a lot of work to hold these tournaments.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 3:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Division 5 is complete

5 5 0 0 grizzlyman (0)
5 3 0 2 Abaddon (-22)

5 1 2 2 JM (-41)
5 1 1 3 Payton3434 (-49)
5 0 4 1 danbar1963 (-39)
5 0 3 2 kxw (-20)

a clean sweep for grizzlyman
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Joined: 05 Feb 07
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 4:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

We are still waiting on the results of two games in division 4.

I will publish the full tables once these results are in - they are both in round 6, nearly finished.

As the deadline for completion of games was yesterday, I will be awarding 'yellow cards' to the two players who caused the delay - Tzar-T and dawnuk. A similar situation in future situations may lead to suspension. The other players in the two outstanding games were clearly not to blame for the delays.

In the meantime I have made the draw for season two based on my best guess of the results from those games.
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Joined: 05 Feb 07
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 2:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The final results are in

Division 1 10/10
5 4 1 0 Deden (-10)

5 3 1.5 0.5 Kanga (-13)
5 1 1 3 daveszum (-30)
5 1 1 3 HighwayStar (-38)
5 1 1 3 Sacarino (-44)
5 0 4.5 0.5 docaction (-17)

Division 2 10/10
5 3 0 2 domster (-12)
5 2 3 0 Knave (-14)

5 2 1 2 swok (-12)
5 1 3 1 DariusvanDuyn (-19)
5 1 2 2 NoMoreCheese (-32)
5 1 1 3 mongo (-34)

Division 3 10/10
5 4 1 0 Gaditus (-2)
5 3 1 1 flaviorj (-7)

5 1 3 1 IBX (-25)
5 1 3 1 Fritz (-49)
5 1 2 2 ahauwi1 (-23)
5 0 0 5 yahkeh (-62)

Division 4 10/10
5 3.5 1.5 0 t_o_m9 (-3)
5 2 2 1 Pompkin (-13)

5 1.5 1.5 2 Tzar-T (-20)
5 1 2 2 rseulow (-7)
5 1 2 2 kekeweb (-30)
5 1 1 3 dawnuk (-34)

Division 5 10/10
5 5 0 0 grizzlyman (0)
5 3 0 2 Abaddon (-22)

5 1 2 2 JM (-41)
5 1 1 3 Payton3434 (-49)
5 0 4 1 danbar1963 (-39)
5 0 3 2 kxw (-20)

Division 6 10/10
5 3 2 0 powermorph (-11)
5 2 2 1 Dobinator (-23)

5 2 1 2 worcesterarlo (-11)
5 1 2 2 freduk (-18)
5 1 2 2 tphon (-54)
5 1 1 3 Sgath (-55)

Division 7 10/10
5 5 0 0 pkwolf54 (0)
5 3 2 0 lindalait (-16)

5 1 2 2 AdriaanPieters (-36)
5 1 0 4 Wolfpack (-51)
5 0 4 1 shampoon (-50)
5 0 2 3 ats2630 (-64)

Division 8 14/14
6 5 1 0 Rebelslayer (-9)
6 3 3 0 Coach (-7)

6 3 1 2 toutoune (-14)
6 2 4 0 Ace (-32)
6 1 2 3 striking_cobra (-66)
6 0 2 4 mooka (-60)
6 0 1 5 amoxycillin (-142)

Division 9 14/14
6 5 1 0 WillyC3 (-4)
6 4 0 2 bennykdogg (-20)

6 3 2 1 fadiarnaout (-20)
6 1 3 2 Carmilla (-55)
6 1 2 3 StanislavTikal (-40)
6 0 4 2 bearsfan (-46)
6 0 2 4 BryJones (-65)

Division 10 14/14
6 3.5 2.5 0 leck (-6)
6 3 1 2 Aboulfouf (-24)
6 2 2 2 thiery'en'sarjant (-25)

6 2 2 2 kwojtasz (-34)
6 1.5 1.5 3 jglazier (-44)
6 1 3 2 smlait (-74)
6 1 2 3 wildfire2099 (-36)

Grats to division winners - I hope you are enjoying life in higher divisions in season two.

Some highlights

Maximum score 60 by Leck
Minimum winning score 33 by pkwolf54
Lowest losing margin (in 3rd place) 1 by rseulow
Average winning score 44.65
Average winning margin 5.68
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