Joined: 12 Aug 07 Posts: 121
Location: Perth, WA
Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 2:22 pm Post subject: Game replays |
We have a gamelog, which is great but sometimes I look at games (particularly games that have ended) and can't really remember what was going on. I like to look at a finished game and do a post mortem. What went right, what went wrong, etc.
A really cool feature woul dbe that you can pick a point in time (by say clicking on Round X in the game log) and then going forward/back through moves from then. Not sure if you've captured enough information to do that but looking at "X placed a coral tile on E13" turns later doesn't give you a real sense of what was happening whereas replaying it would.
After a game, it'd also be nice if that replay was all knowing, meaning in the case of Reef Encounter that you could see what was behind someone's screen at that point.
IRL we typically give a game an autopsy after it's finished and it's from that you get an idea of why people did certain things and you learn, so it'd be great to have some representation of the game to go through rather than just the gamelog.
Anyway, just wanted to add, the site is really great. Slick UI (unlike, say, pr-game). Keep up the good work. And once more I'll plug adding Titan.  |