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Joined: 27 Oct 05 Posts: 1503
Location: Moe, Victoria, Australia
Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 4:30 pm Post subject: 4 player T14 draw |
8 games each. A mixture of old and new maps, with half a dozen of Dobinator's maps here to try out. Let me know how they go, particularly if they dont work well.
Please copy game name from here when creating the games.
password: tournament
Code: | 4player T14 #01 Kanga tphon Wolfpack GamesOnTheBrain (Map 483 v1)
4player T14 #02 tphon Early_10 Dobinator BryJones (Map 471 v0)
4player T14 #03 Early_10 Wolfpack almondralf klingone (Map 417 v1)
4player T14 #04 Wolfpack Dobinator borisumi ats2630 (Map 399 v2)
4player T14 #05 Dobinator almondralf GamesOnTheBrain cterrell (Map 387 v0)
4player T14 #06 almondralf borisumi BryJones Zaui (Map 386 v2)
4player T14 #07 borisumi GamesOnTheBrain klingone Wildfire2099 (Map 373 v0)
4player T14 #08 GamesOnTheBrain BryJones ats2630 marcx (Map 352 v1)
4player T14 #09 BryJones klingone cterrell Alashar (Map 331 v2)
4player T14 #10 klingone ats2630 Zaui danbar1963 (Map 325 v0)
4player T14 #11 ats2630 cterrell Wildfire2099 NoMoreCheese (Map 3 v1)
4player T14 #12 cterrell Zaui marcx skk7878 (Map 483 v1)
4player T14 #13 Zaui Wildfire2099 Alashar Sirenkain (Map 471 v0)
4player T14 #14 Wildfire2099 marcx danbar1963 IBX (Map 417 v1)
4player T14 #15 marcx Alashar NoMoreCheese Adriaan Pieters (Map 399 v2)
4player T14 #16 Alashar danbar1963 skk7878 yahkeh (Map 387 v0)
4player T14 #17 danbar1963 NoMoreCheese Sirenkain mooka (Map 386 v2)
4player T14 #18 NoMoreCheese skk7878 IBX Kanga (Map 373 v0)
4player T14 #19 skk7878 Sirenkain Adriaan Pieters tphon (Map 352 v1)
4player T14 #20 Sirenkain IBX yahkeh Early_10 (Map 331 v2)
4player T14 #21 IBX Adriaan Pieters mooka Wolfpack (Map 325 v0)
4player T14 #22 Adriaan Pieters yahkeh Kanga Dobinator (Map 3 v1)
4player T14 #23 yahkeh mooka tphon almondralf (Map 483 v1)
4player T14 #24 mooka Kanga Early_10 borisumi (Map 471 v0)
4player T14 #25 Zaui yahkeh Wildfire2099 NoMoreCheese (Map 312 v0)
4player T14 #26 yahkeh Wolfpack tphon mooka (Map 117 v1)
4player T14 #27 Wolfpack Wildfire2099 skk7878 marcx (Map 179 v2)
4player T14 #28 Wildfire2099 tphon Sirenkain klingone (Map 70 v0)
4player T14 #29 tphon skk7878 NoMoreCheese Kanga (Map 112 v1)
4player T14 #30 skk7878 Sirenkain mooka IBX (Map 145 v2)
4player T14 #31 Sirenkain NoMoreCheese marcx GamesOnTheBrain (Map 117 v0)
4player T14 #32 NoMoreCheese mooka klingone Early_10 (Map 312 v1)
4player T14 #33 mooka marcx Kanga Dobinator (Map 181 v2)
4player T14 #34 marcx klingone IBX danbar1963 (Map 65 v0)
4player T14 #35 klingone Kanga GamesOnTheBrain cterrell (Map 145 v1)
4player T14 #36 Kanga IBX Early_10 BryJones (Map 312 v0)
4player T14 #37 IBX GamesOnTheBrain Dobinator borisumi (Map 117 v1)
4player T14 #38 GamesOnTheBrain Early_10 danbar1963 ats2630 (Map 179 v2)
4player T14 #39 Early_10 Dobinator cterrell almondralf (Map 70 v0)
4player T14 #40 Dobinator danbar1963 BryJones Alashar (Map 112 v1)
4player T14 #41 danbar1963 cterrell borisumi Adriaan Pieters (Map 145 v2)
4player T14 #42 cterrell BryJones ats2630 Zaui (Map 117 v0)
4player T14 #43 BryJones borisumi almondralf yahkeh (Map 312 v1)
4player T14 #44 borisumi ats2630 Alashar Wolfpack (Map 181 v2)
4player T14 #45 ats2630 almondralf Adriaan Pieters Wildfire2099 (Map 65 v0)
4player T14 #46 almondralf Alashar Zaui tphon (Map 145 v1)
4player T14 #47 Alashar Adriaan Pieters yahkeh skk7878 (Map 312 v0)
4player T14 #48 Adriaan Pieters Zaui Wolfpack Sirenkain (Map 117 v1)
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Joined: 29 Mar 06 Posts: 120
Location: Sandy, Utah, USA
Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 3:54 pm Post subject: |
Just a bump to note that games 6, 10, 12, 13, 25, 42, 46 and 48 have been set up (not all by me). |
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Joined: 27 Oct 05 Posts: 1503
Location: Moe, Victoria, Australia
Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 3:10 am Post subject: |
The following games are yet to be set up:
Code: | 4player T14 #09 BryJones klingone cterrell Alashar (Map 331 v2)
4player T14 #11 ats2630 cterrell Wildfire2099 NoMoreCheese (Map 3 v1)
4player T14 #20 Sirenkain IBX yahkeh Early_10 (Map 331 v2)
4player T14 #30 skk7878 Sirenkain mooka IBX (Map 145 v2)
4player T14 #32 NoMoreCheese mooka klingone Early_10 (Map 312 v1)
4player T14 #39 Early_10 Dobinator cterrell almondralf (Map 70 v0)
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Joined: 27 Oct 05 Posts: 1503
Location: Moe, Victoria, Australia
Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 4:05 pm Post subject: |
16/48 completed
Code: |
Player Played Wins Total
Kanga 6 6 0
GamesOnTheBrain 4 2 18
tphon 5 2 44
almondralf 2 1 1
cterrell 3 1 41
klingone 3 1 44
borisumi 3 1 53
IBX 3 1 77
Dobinator 5 1 95
Alashar 0 0 0
danbar1963 0 0 0
marcx 0 0 0
Zaui 0 0 0
Wildfire2099 1 0 24
mooka 4 0 35
Early_10 4 0 48
yahkeh 2 0 49
Sirenkain 2 0 50
BryJones 1 0 57
Adriaan Pieters 2 0 69
skk7878 4 0 90
ats2630 2 0 97
Wolfpack 4 0 107
NoMoreCheese 4 0 168
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Joined: 27 Oct 05 Posts: 1503
Location: Moe, Victoria, Australia
Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 4:58 pm Post subject: |
Code: | Player Played Wins Total
Kanga 7 7 0
almondralf 4 3 1
GamesOnTheBrain 5 3 18
cterrell 4 2 41
tphon 6 2 50
Zaui 3 1 14
klingone 3 1 44
borisumi 4 1 79
Dobinator 5 1 95
IBX 4 1 98
Alashar 0 0 0
danbar1963 0 0 0
Wildfire2099 2 0 29
marcx 1 0 48
Sirenkain 2 0 50
mooka 5 0 55
Early_10 5 0 58
Adriaan Pieters 2 0 69
skk7878 4 0 90
Wolfpack 4 0 107
yahkeh 4 0 112
NoMoreCheese 5 0 175
BryJones 5 0 246
ats2630 4 0 257
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Joined: 27 Oct 05 Posts: 1503
Location: Moe, Victoria, Australia
Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 3:41 pm Post subject: |
Certain players are hogging all the victories...!
All games are at least in round 10.
Code: |
Player Played Wins Total
Kanga 8 8 0
almondralf 8 6 8
GamesOnTheBrain 6 4 18
tphon 7 3 50
cterrell 6 3 63
klingone 3 1 44
Zaui 5 1 55
Early_10 7 1 77
borisumi 5 1 93
IBX 5 1 101
Dobinator 7 1 115
danbar1963 0 0 0
Alashar 1 0 2
Wildfire2099 3 0 30
mooka 6 0 74
skk7878 5 0 94
Wolfpack 4 0 107
Adriaan Pieters 3 0 114
marcx 4 0 116
Sirenkain 4 0 116
yahkeh 6 0 160
NoMoreCheese 6 0 189
BryJones 6 0 263
ats2630 5 0 329
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Joined: 14 Jun 07 Posts: 191
Location: Cleveland, OH
Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 4:00 pm Post subject: |
8 for 8. Nice kanga. |
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Joined: 27 Oct 05 Posts: 1503
Location: Moe, Victoria, Australia
Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 6:52 am Post subject: |
Code: | Player Played Wins Total
Kanga 8 8 0
almondralf 8 6 8
GamesOnTheBrain 7 4 29
cterrell 7 4 63
tphon 7 3 50
Alashar 3 2 2
klingone 5 2 79
Zaui 8 2 91
danbar1963 2 1 5
Early_10 7 1 77
IBX 5 1 101
Dobinator 7 1 115
borisumi 8 1 123
Wildfire2099 5 0 58
mooka 6 0 74
skk7878 5 0 94
marcx 4 0 116
Wolfpack 6 0 154
yahkeh 6 0 160
Adriaan Pieters 5 0 176
Sirenkain 6 0 188
NoMoreCheese 6 0 189
BryJones 6 0 263
ats2630 7 0 449
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Joined: 27 Oct 05 Posts: 1503
Location: Moe, Victoria, Australia
Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 3:38 am Post subject: |
4 wins needed to make the final (at least)
Code: | Player Played Wins Total
Kanga 8 8 0
almondralf 8 6 8
GamesOnTheBrain 8 5 29
cterrell 7 4 63
tphon 7 3 50
Alashar 3 2 2
klingone 5 2 79
Zaui 8 2 91
danbar1963 4 1 32
mooka 7 1 74
Early_10 8 1 83
IBX 5 1 101
Dobinator 7 1 115
borisumi 8 1 123
Wildfire2099 5 0 58
skk7878 5 0 94
marcx 4 0 116
Wolfpack 6 0 154
yahkeh 6 0 160
Adriaan Pieters 5 0 176
Sirenkain 7 0 190
NoMoreCheese 7 0 190
BryJones 6 0 263
ats2630 8 0 509
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Joined: 27 Oct 05 Posts: 1503
Location: Moe, Victoria, Australia
Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 7:03 am Post subject: |
2 games left to go
If Alashar can win his last match he'll make the final, otherwise cterrell gets the last spot
At a quick glance Alashar looks unlikely to win that game..
Code: |
Player Played Wins Total
Kanga 8 8 0
almondralf 8 6 8
GamesOnTheBrain 8 5 29
cterrell 8 4 63.5
Alashar 7 3 52
tphon 8 3 59
danbar1963 7 2 65
Zaui 8 2 91
Dobinator 8 2 115
marcx 6 2 116
klingone 7 2 125
Wildfire2099 8 1 82
Early_10 8 1 83
mooka 8 1 87
borisumi 8 1 123
skk7878 8 1 125
IBX 7 1 135
Wolfpack 8 1 158
NoMoreCheese 7 0 190
Sirenkain 8 0 226
Adriaan Pieters 7 0 248
yahkeh 8 0 263
BryJones 8 0 339
ats2630 8 0 509
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Joined: 27 Oct 05 Posts: 1503
Location: Moe, Victoria, Australia
Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 2:56 pm Post subject: |
the last game has just finished the first scoring round, and given that it doesn't impact on the final 4 I'll start the final rather than waiting for that game.
Alashar didn't win his last game so the last finals spot goes to cterrell
4 game finals series
I create a V0 game
almondralf a V1 game
Games creates a V2 game
cterrell creates a V1, 2 game
4player T14 final A/b/C/D
password: final
good luck!
Code: | Player Played Wins Total
Kanga 8 8 0
almondralf 8 6 8
GamesOnTheBrain 8 5 29
cterrell 8 4 63.5
tphon 8 3 59
Alashar 8 3 66
marcx 7 3 116
danbar1963 7 2 65
Zaui 8 2 91
Dobinator 8 2 115
klingone 7 2 125
Wildfire2099 8 1 82
Early_10 8 1 83
mooka 8 1 87
borisumi 8 1 123
skk7878 8 1 125
IBX 7 1 135
Wolfpack 8 1 158
NoMoreCheese 8 0 201
Sirenkain 8 0 226
yahkeh 8 0 263
Adriaan Pieters 8 0 264
BryJones 8 0 339
ats2630 8 0 509
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Joined: 27 Oct 05 Posts: 1503
Location: Moe, Victoria, Australia
Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 4:38 pm Post subject: |
The final game, and the finals have all finished.
Final standings below
In the finals. I bounced back from the last 4 player finals humiliation to win 3 of 4 games. almondralf won the last game. cterrell was unlucky with 2 very closes losses.
Winner: Kanga (3 from 4)
Runner up: almondralf (1 from 4)
Finalists: cterrell, GamesOnTheBrain
Final standings:
Code: | Player Played Wins Total
Kanga 8 8 0
almondralf 8 6 8
GamesOnTheBrain 8 5 29
cterrell 8 4 63.5
marcx 8 4 116
tphon 8 3 59
Alashar 8 3 66
Zaui 8 2 91
danbar1963 8 2 99
Dobinator 8 2 115
klingone 8 2 152
Wildfire2099 8 1 82
Early_10 8 1 83
mooka 8 1 87
borisumi 8 1 123
skk7878 8 1 125
IBX 8 1 146
Wolfpack 8 1 158
NoMoreCheese 8 0 201
Sirenkain 8 0 226
yahkeh 8 0 263
Adriaan Pieters 8 0 264
BryJones 8 0 339
ats2630 8 0 509
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Joined: 14 Jun 07 Posts: 191
Location: Cleveland, OH
Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 4:41 pm Post subject: |
Kanga wrote: | In the finals. I bounced back from the last 4 player finals humiliation to win 3 of 4 games. almondralf won the last game. cterrell was unlucky with 2 very closes losses. |
And Games, well... he played like CRAP!  |
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Joined: 27 Oct 05 Posts: 1503
Location: Moe, Victoria, Australia
Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 4:47 pm Post subject: |
GamesOnTheBrain wrote: | Kanga wrote: | In the finals. I bounced back from the last 4 player finals humiliation to win 3 of 4 games. almondralf won the last game. cterrell was unlucky with 2 very closes losses. |
And Games, well... he played like CRAP!  |
well, i wasn't going to state that myself, just letting readers work it out for themselves  |
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