Rules: Vrrooomm!

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The object of the game is to let your buses ride their line and to
transport as many passengers as possible. The action
Vrrooomm… is the only one that scores you any points. A
player choosing Vrrooomm… can ride his buses. He does
this in the following way.
Each bus can transport a maximum of one passenger. If you have only
one bus, you can thus transport only one passenger. The passenger is
taken from the crossing where he stood waiting and is put down at the
crossing where he wants to be. Buses can ride only their own
lines. Passengers or buildings which are on a crossing that is not
connected to one of your lines cannot be used.
On each crossing, there can be passengers and buildings. De-pending
on the time of day as indicated by the clock, passengers will want to
be in a certain kind of buildings: their houses, their offices or the
pubs. Each building can contain a maximum of one
passenger. Passengers that are on a crossing which does not have the
type of building needed want to get away. To indicate which players
want to get away, it is practical to put all satisfied passengers on
their respective buildings.
Only passengers that want to get away can be transported. Of
course, one needs an empty building of the right kind to bring the
passenger to. This building should be on your own line. Each building
can only contain one passenger! If there are no dissatisfied
passengers, a player cannot ride his bus. If there are more passengers
or empty buildings than the player can use, he or she may freely
decide which passengers, or buildings, to use. You must transport as
many passengers as possible (keeping in mind the number of buses at
your disposal).
If a player chooses the action Vrrooomm… more than
once, he may use all his buses again each time he performs the
For each passenger that you move, you score one point. These are
counted on the islands on the map. The first player to score a certain
score puts his stone on the island. If someone else later scores as
many points, her stone is put on top of that of the first player.
Example: First the clock (left figure). Time goes on
from night to day, so the citizens want to go to the offices. For
clarity, passengers on crossings with offices are placed on the
buildings (A, B). The one at E crosses the street for that
purpose. The passengers at D and G want to leave, because there are no
offices there.
Then Vrrooomm… (right figure). Yellow moves first. He has three
buses, but he can only score one point. The only passenger he can take
is at D. The passenger at E is already where he wants to be. The
passengers at F, G, and the station are not on his line. Yellow moves
his passenger from D to C. – Green, having two buses, also
scores one point. The office at C is now occupied, as are most of the
offices at A and B. He can move only one passenger from the station
to B. – Blue has enough passengers and free offices on his line
to score three points, but as he has got only one bus, he will score
only one point. •